Happy Jar of Gratitude
This is a wonderful idea because of its simplicity and the impact that it can have on your life. This technique works on the principles of Gratitude; Gratitude is a state of being grateful and thankful for everything that we have in our lives. It is one of the most lovely states to be in, to live a life filled with joy, happiness, and abundance and promoting positivity. The power of Gratitude will change your life in ways you cannot imagine.
It is a really simple and easy technique. All you need is a glass jar/container or anything transparent that you can put your moments of happiness in, you could use a box. Label it ‘Gratitude Jar’ and decorate it however you wish. It doesn’t necessarily have to be transparent, but the fact that you can look at the things you have put in, adds a whole new appeal to it.
1. Every night take a small sheet of paper and write down the thing or things you were grateful for during the day and put it into your ‘Gratitude Jar’.
2. Examples: I watched a beautiful sunset,
I ate some really delicious food, I spent the day with family or friends, I had a really good night out,
I ran into a close friend whom I hadn’t met in a long time.
I bought something that I wanted at a discounted price.
It could be absolutely anything that makes you feel happy and grateful.
3. You can also add photos, charms and objects into your jar. Maybe you found a conker during an autumn walk, a daisy during summer, a shell or pebble off the beach. Be creative: customise it in any way that appeals to you.
Share the love… You could make this a family project and get your family creating their own ‘Gratitude Jars’, even better gift to friends a pre-made ‘Gratitude Jar’ along with instructions for use.
Eventually you will feel an energetic shift in your life as you start to manifest an abundance of positivity and more things to be grateful for. The fact that you can visibly see the things that you are grateful for, growing in the jar adds to the magic, it’s an affirmation of positivity.
Most of all have fun, and enjoy seeing your moments grow.
Love, light and blessings, Toni x